===== Oblique Viewer (OV) ===== ===== User Manual ===== ==== Log in ==== 1. To access MultiViewer, enter http://mv.services.hxgncontent.com in your web browser (we recommend using Google Chrome for optimized performance). \\ 2. Choose your preferred language. \\ 3. Enter your given user name and password and click “Log in” {{ :viewers:hx_mv_01_38.jpg?nolink |}} ==== Access Project ==== 1. Click on **User Menu Icon**, then click on **Projects** \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_01.jpg? |}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ 2. Choose the project you want to work with by directly clicking on the project name, or type in keywords in the **Projects Filter** to search for a project \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_01_01.jpg?nolink |}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ === Data Layers === Once a project is activated, you can manage the visibility and accessibility of all your project data layers. **Layer Settings** are found on the upper right side of the MultiViewer window. {{ :viewers:hx_mv_04_02.jpg |}}\\ There are 4 layer groups in a COV project: Cover Map, Terrain, Thematic Layer, and Aerial Image: **Cover Map**: This group includes various layers used as a background and the basis of data visualization for your project work, which is typically orthophotos, OpenStreetMap and other WMS services. **Terrain**: It contains Digital Elevation Models (DEM), either Digital Surface Model (DSM) or Digital Terrain Model (DTM). **Thematic Layer**: It includes different vector and raster layers. E.g. a vector layer (WFS) containing delimitation of the project area, etc. **Aerial Images**: It includes image layers that contain detailed images for inspection. In a COV context, the layer comprises a set of oblique aerial photographs taken at an angle. {{ :viewers:2019_12_05_11_54_34_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&400 |}} \\ \\ ---- === Layer Management === Layers are, by essence, datasets that can be managed individually. The layer set up is used to better organize projects. Each layer’s visibility and accessibility can be controlled separately by the checkboxes in front. \\ \\ {{ :viewers:2019_12_05_11_59_16_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&400 |}} **Cover map, Terrain, and Thematic layers** These types of a layer can be turned on/off by ticking/unticking the checkboxes left to their layer names \\ \\ {{ :viewers:2019_12_05_12_58_46_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&400 |}} **Aerial Images** Left checkbox: turn on/off the visualization of perspective centers on a cover map Right checkbox: turn on/off a layer for spatial search. ---- ==== Workspace ==== **General workspace set up** \\ A typical MultiViewer workspace consists of cover maps and viewports.\\ \\ Cover maps show where you are and what you see (through OpenStreetMap, orthophoto, 3D models, elevation models, and point clouds) Viewports (there can be max. 4 viewports open at the same time) present details of target area/object for inspection through images where registrations and quick notes can be made. {{ :viewers:hx_mv_04_03.jpg? |}} \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_14_43_04_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} Search: activate spatial search function by entering an address. The spatial search function is further explained in the property inspection section \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_14_38_45_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} User menu: activate or change projects, manage project data, and read more about MultiViewer \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_14_39_14_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} Toolbox menu: access tools for inspection and workspace settings \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_14_39_47_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} Layer settings: manage the visibility and accessibility of your project data layers. A detailed explanation can be found in the data layers section \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_06_09_30_05_window.jpg?nolink&40|}} Reset to project origin: left click to reset project view (the view when you first activate your project) \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_06_09_29_30_window.jpg?nolink&40|}} The red color arrow shows the direction of the north. Double click on the icon will reset the view direction and tilt to its origin* \\ *** Works only in 3D mode** \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_06_09_28_11_window.jpg?nolink&40 |}} Zoom in: left click on **+** sign \\ Zoom out: left click on **-** sigh \\ \\ \\ **Mouse shortcut*** \\ **Zoom In/Out**: \\ 1. Scroll Mouse wheel \\ 2. Hold and drag (right mouse click) up and down \\ Tilt and rotate: Ctrl + hold and drag or click with the mouse scroll-wheel + hold and drag \\ Move view: Left hold and drag \\ *** Works only in 3D mode** \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_14_40_24_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} Notification center: see all project activity history for your current MultiViewer session \\ \\ {{:viewers:cov01.jpg?200 |}}**Geographical coordinates**: the geographical coordinates of your cursor. Clicking on the coordinates the user can choose another coordinate system from the list. Clicking on the left side (on the name, the part before “/”), this will change the projection of the coordinates. Clicking on the right side (on the name, the part after “/”), it will open the https://spatialreference.org web page with the info about that particular projection \\ **Viewport footprint**: the blue frame shows the full image coverage of the active viewport, yellow frame shows the current image coverage of the active viewport, the orange circle shows your cursor positions in other windows. \\ \\ ==== Cover Map Navigation ==== Once you enter a project, it is possible to navigate your view using both on-screen buttons and your mouse. \\ \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_04.jpg? |}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_02_06_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Move view**: hold and drag with left click to move the viewport. Directly dragging in the viewport will result in a change in the position of the image inside the viewer \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_02_36_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Maximize**: left click to toggle between the main screen and floating window modes \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_03_22_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&500|}} **Viewport main screen mode** \\ \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_05.jpg?nolink&500|}} **Viewport floating window mode** \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_05_41_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Pin/unpin view**: pin/unpin viewport to workspace so it does/doesn’t dissapear \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_06_20_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Current view settings**: access tools for viewports. A detailed explanation can be found in section property inspection \\ \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_06.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Camera angle**: it shows the camera facing direction when the image was taken \\ \\ **Image time tag**: It shows the time the image was taken \\ \\ **Viewport footprint**: the blue frame shows the full image coverage of the active viewport, yellow frame shows the current image coverage of the active viewport, the orange circle shows your cursor positions in other windows \\ \\ **Viewport Split-Screen Mode** \\ Hold the move icon and “snap” a viewport to either side of the screen to activate viewport split screen mode. \\ {{ :viewers:hx_mv_04_07.jpg |}} Viewport split-screen mode (snapped to the left) \\ \\ {{ :viewers:hx_mv_04_08.jpg |}} Viewport split screen mode (snapped upwards) \\ \\ ==== Workspace Settings ==== There are several ways to change your workspace set up. You can find workspace setting in the toolbox menu: \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_09.jpg |}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{:viewers:2d.jpg?nolink&40|}} **2D/3D**: To toggle between 2D and 3D view modes in cover map Note: every time this setting changes, you will be redirected to the login page to initiate the new mode \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_12_18_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Minimize cover map**: If this option is checked, cove map will be minimized to an icon when you activate viewport in full-screen mode \\ \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_10.jpg?nolink&400|}} **Cover map in original mode** \\ \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_11.jpg?nolink&400|}} **Cover map in minimized mode** \\ \\ **Full-screen mode**: to toggle between full screen and standard modes \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_12.jpg?nolink&500|}} **Full-Screen Mode** {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_13.jpg?nolink&500|}} **Standard Mode** \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_17_31_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Start/stop synchronization of views**: When this option is active, all viewports’ presentation will be synchronized to show the same area/target object \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_14.jpg?nolink&500|}} **Viewports synchronized** \\ \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_15.jpg?nolink&500|}} **Viewports NOT synchronized** \\ \\ ==== Property Inspection ==== === Spatial Search === To inspect a property at the location, you should call the in-built spatial search function. Spatial search function finds all available oblique images from all angles (west, east, north and south) with the location in focus \\ {{ :viewers:hx_mv_04_16.jpg |}} \\ There are two ways you can call a **spatial search** function: **1)** Type in an address in the search field and press Enter key: \\ {{ :viewers:hx_mv_04_17.jpg?nolink |}} \\ \\ 2) Use keyboard shortcut for spatial search function (alt + S) and left-clicking on any point on the cover map: \\ {{ :viewers:hx_mv_04_26.jpg?nolink |}} \\ \\ === Measurement Tools === There are in-built measurement tools for horizontal length measurement, vertical height measurement, and area measurement. These tools are found under the toolbox menu: \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_18.jpg?nolink |}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_21_30_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Horizontal length**: measure horizontal length Note: it is important to exclude height changes when measuring the horizontal length to avoid measurement error. \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_19.jpg?nolink&400|}} **Correct horizontal length measurements (do not include height changes) ** \\ \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_20.jpg?nolink&400|}} **Incorrect horizontal length measurements (include height changes)** \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_23_21_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Vertical height**: measure the vertical height \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_23_44_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Measure area**: measure area \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_24_05_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Delete measurements**: clear all current on-screen measurements \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_24_25_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&40|}} **Save measurements**: download all current on-screen measurements \\ \\ === Viewport Toolbox === The viewport toolbox menu can be found at the lower-left corner of a viewport. \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_21.jpg?nolink|}} \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_25_49_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&200|}} **Image adjustment**: both brightness and contrast of the current presented image in a viewport can be adjusted with the sliders \\ \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_22.jpg?nolink&200 |}} **Viewer mode**: **Mosaic** - In the Mosaic mode, the user can seamlessly pan the image data. The paned picture to its border will be automatically replaced with the corresponding overlapping picture. \\ **Frame** - In the Frame mode, a user can pan just inside the loaded image. \\ \\ {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_23.jpg?nolink&200|}} **Footprints**: show/hide viewport’s footprints on the cover map \\ \\ {{:viewers:2019_12_05_15_27_21_v7_cov_user_manual.pdf_adobe_acrobat_reader_dc.jpg?nolink&200|}} **Annotation**: (from left to right ) **1.** free-style marking **2.** circular marking **3.** square marking **4.** add comment **5.** erase single annotation **6.** remove all annotations \\ \\ === Workspace Print-Out === It is important to note that all annotations are temporarily saved in your current viewport session. Once the current viewport closes, all annotations will be lost. To save your annotations, you can use the print workspace function under the cover map toolbox menu: {{ :viewers:hx_mv_04_24.jpg?nolink |}} {{:viewers:hx_mv_04_25.jpg?nolink&400|}} **Workspace print-out window** \\ On the upper part of the print-out window, you can find several options to download workspace as pdf or image and you can update it. On the right-hand window side, you have the option to write a comment or choose what to show on the workspace. The last option is to upload your own logo.