
Panoramic Viewer

The viewer is called with URL:

Log-in with Username/Password.

You can also enter a username/password in the URL:

Open the project you want to work on

You can also insert the project name directly into the URL:

The data you have access to is organized into projects and layers in the Dashboard. You can create and correct your own projects using the data layers you have access to. Hexagon will usually create one or more projects so you can quickly view data. You cannot correct these projects (Has the following text description: Created by Hexagon - cannot be edited).

Enter all or part of the project name in “Project Filter” or click on each project and see which data layers that project has access to.

In the layer overview, you can see all the data layers that you have access to.

Add New Project

Click on 'Add New Project'

Create a project definition by specifying Project Name and Description. Specify the location of the project by zooming into the map and optionally displaying Open Street Map (OSM) as a background map. You can then edit the project name and description by clicking the edit icon.

Now you can add the data layers to display in the project by selecting and select available layers from the layer list.

You can continuously add new data layers to the project or freeing data layers.

If you have access to upload your own images to Multiviewer, you can keep track of data usage in the Dashboard. Click Settings - General Information. Here you can specify the current size of the individual layers as well as the total border.

Click on to close the Dashboard and return to the project map view.

You can choose from the address service DAWA (Danmark) and a global address service (Open Street Map).


 In the address search, the nearest image to the address point opens with the image centered at this point (focus point), which is marked with dots in the street image and a focus symbol in the overview map. When switching to another street view (see under Navigation), the searched address point is maintained as the focal point until the focal point is canceled by clicking the focus symbol in the overview map

Layer Settings has data in the following main groups:
- Covermaps,
- Terrain (used for oblique photos),
- Thematic layers (eg panoramic photo points, WMS / WFS layers from external services),
- Aerial images (inclined / vertical photos from drone and airplane),
- Panoramic images (street photos) ),
- Own picture layer (images that the user uploads himself, see more under Geodropbox),
- Temporary (images that the user uploads himself in the local storage. Temporary layer can be saved and moved under Own picture layer, see more under Geodropbox) ),. The individual layers are activated by placing the check mark in the left field.

The layer search function is activated by checking the box in the right field, see more about searching under the Panorama section.

You can choose from different map projections.

To open a panoramic image, click the photo point. Holding down [Ctrl] while clicking on a photo point opens the image in a new window. You can open up to a total of 4 windows.


If you click somewhere where there is no photo point, the panorama will close unless you have locked it by clicking Button pin so it turns red. The first window is locked as a starting point. Clicking Button Pin again closes the window.

If you have enabled layer search in the layer control, you can search the layer. Select [Alt + S] and then click anywhere on the map to open the nearest image with the center at that point.
If you have multiple searchable layers open (for example, two vintages of street photos), the closest image from each layer opens in its own window.
OBS: You can, in agreement with Hexagon, change the basic setting so that the search function is activated only by clicking on the map.

Click 'New Window' to get the street photo window swapped with the main window

You can move the street photo window by dragging the move icon and you can resize the window by dragging pages or corners. Dragging the window beyond the edges of the browser window will lock the window and your screen will now be split into two windows. You can lock multiple windows. Use 'Swap Window' to release the window again.


You can view the current image location on the overview map.

You can adjust the image quality in the image and insert annotations.

The brightness and contrast for each window are adjusted by dragging the slider.

In 'Traffic mode' you can choose between 'Speed' and 'Quality'. In Speed mode, the image does not load at full resolution until you zoom in / out of the image. It allows fast switching between images in a continuous sequence. In Quality mode, the image is loaded at full resolution immediately.

In addition, you can draw/write notes . Select the note type and character with the left mouse button. Finish with right-click.
You can resize a text tag. First, right-click. Activate the note by left-clicking and adjust the text size by scrolling with the mouse wheel.
You can delete a single note by activating 'Delete note', holding down the left mouse button and dragging the cursor over the object. You can delete all notes by enabling 'Delete all notes'.

You can download the entire panorama.

You have the following navigation options:

  • change the direction of view by dragging the mouse (left mouse button) or using the keyboard arrow keys
  • zoom in / out using the mouse wheel, use +/- on a keyboard or +/- icon on the screen
  • center in a point by right-clicking on the point
  • jump to the next image by clicking near the next pixel (shown in circle)
  • switch to the next image in the view direction with the 'w'-key (move forward by holding down the key)
  • switch to the previous view in the view direction with the 's'-key (move backward by holding down the key)
  • switch to the next image on the right with the 'd'-key (move sideways by holding down the key)
  • switch to the next image on the left with the 'a'-key (move sideways by holding down the key)

The indoor sweep plan can help you sweep 100% of the panoramic image. To prepare indoor sweep plan press “q”, press “q” one more time - tool will pan image horizontally with 10% overlapping. When 100% of image swept - you will see message “INDOOR SWEEP FINISHED”. Press “ESC” to cancel indoor sweep plan.

The current workspace of a project is automatically saved in a cookie on your PC. When you open the project, the screen setup will be as last time used. The workspace consists of a background map and one or more street photo windows, information about which data layers are searchable, and information about selecting a projection. You can restore the default setup with the [Ctrl + Alt + R] command so that the next image / opens in a default window.

Note that if you call MV via API (for example, through integration with a webGIS system), your workspace will not be saved immediately, as the call from the API will often define a specific screen setup. However, you can have your personal workspace saved when you call MV via the API if an additional parameter is added to the API call (frl = 1) and the API call does not define which layers are visible and / or searchable. If you also see oblique photos, the screen setup is saved only if all open windows are locked. (see more about this below about oblique photos). See also tutorial on MV API.

Center map at current position
Especially useful when working on mobile devices. Remember that location must be turned on on the device.

Upload own photos/videos (geodropbox)

Requires separate agreement with Hexagon.

Opens the menu to upload your own images in Multiviewer. You also enable the geodropbox feature if you select one or more images in the PC's Pathfinder and drag it/them into the Multiviewers map (drag and drop). The images are placed on a data layer in the main group “Own image layer”. Select the image (s) to upload from MV's Pathfinder.
If you choose to upload only one image , the image on the index card is marked with an image icon .

If the image is geotagged , Multiviewer places it automatically by selecting the correct position and specifying an arrow to indicate the shooting direction. If the image is not geotagged , it is placed in the center of the current map window and with the shooting direction to the north. Adjust the position of the image by dragging the background map (not on the image icon) and adjust the recording direction by dragging the arrow (clockwise / counter-clockwise).
Then click on the image icon to save position and direction. See more about this below under “Storage Settings”.

If you choose to upload multiple images at once (from desktop PC only), the images are first listed on the Upload Manager (green color icon if the image is geotagged , and red color if the image is not geotagged ) . All images marked with red color icon positions must be moved manually, as described above. When all images icons are green you are ready to upload them. NOTE: You can only upload one image at a time from mobile devices.

Click on the individual image in the Upload Manager to check and if necessary. adjust position and shooting direction as described above. The image is simultaneously displayed at the bottom of the upload manager.
Remember to save the new image orientation by clicking on the image icon . Repeat this for each image you select.
Then click 'Upload'.

This opens a new “Storage Settings” dialog box:

Storage type: Select Cloud Storage. (Local Storage - to save images to your own PC, it has not implemented yet).

  • Storage: Select 'geodropbox'
  • * Layer: Select existing layers if you created a previous one, or create a new layer. Team names must be at least 5 characters in lowercase, numbers, and hyphens, and no other special characters.
  • Symbol (for new layer only): Select one of 4 symbols from the list. The default is an exclamation point that can show location and recording direction. Other symbols are circle, square and star.
  • Color (for new layer only): Select color by pointing to the color table. The function translates your selection into an RGB value which is written and displayed together with the selected color.

Click OK to upload the image (s) to your cloud storage. Wait for upload to complete (100%).

In Storage settings you also have the following options (check the box):

  • do not ask and use defined storage as default for this session Selected if you need to repeatedly upload images to the same layer, and thus with the same symbol and color. This avoids having to answer the same storage questions for each image. This choice is valid until you log out and start a new session in MV.
  • apply anonymization Selected if the image contains faces or license plates to be blurred, after which Multiviewer will try to automatically blur the relevant parts of the image. The image symbol is highlighted while the blurring process is underway. When the symbol changes color to your selected layer color, the automatic blur is completed and you can now open the image by clicking on it. If you are not satisfied with the blur, you can perform a manual blur, cf. below.
  • attach to the project The image will always need to be associated with the project you are actively involved in uploading.

If Geodropbox fails……
If some of the features in Geodropbox fail, you can try to restart (refresh) all routines from the server. To do this, clear the cache in your web browser and log in again. In Google Chrome, clear cache with SHIFT + F5. In Internet Explorer, go into the IE dialog box and select 'clear cache'.

First option – parce from folders structure: Path to each image should be like Country → City → Postcode → Street → House number → .jpg file (see screenshot below for example)

Second option - using the address search result: Put one of the required addresses to address the search field and select the required location from the list of results. In this case Country name, City name and Postcode will be taken from the address search result, and Street name and House number will be taken from folders structure (don’t need to keep country, city, and postcode in images path).
This operation should be made before the drag-n-drop images folder into MV.

If CMV was able to parse locations, you will be able to upload the image by clicking the upload button below the image in the upload manager. The icon next to the name of each image will indicate the result of geolocation (green – location found, red – not found). Once geolocation is done you can select some images from the list to check if the position was found correctly and correct it if needed before uploading.

Custom images can be treated in the same way as street images, and you can also make a number of other adjustments to each image. These editing options are included in the “Actions” group.
Change Position Allows you to adjust the position and shooting direction of the image

Blur Allows you to blur selected parts of the image. The part of the image to be blurred is framed with a circle or rectangle annotation tool. Blur results will only be seen for images the next time the image is opened.

Permanently delete the image from cloud storage

Rotate the image 90 ° to the right. The new rotation of the image will be remembered the next time you open it

Rotate the image 90 ° to the left. The new rotation of the image is remembered the next time you open it

There are functions for measuring horizontal distance, vertical height and horizontal area. Measurement in street images is associated with considerable uncertainty.
Therefore, the measurement function is only activated if agreed between Hexagon and the individual customer, and the function is only active within 20 m from the camera position…

If street photo access is available, you will get a warning in the bottom left corner that the measurement is uncertain. If street photo measurement is not available, you will be notified that metering is not allowed in street photos and the feature will not work.

The measurement is displayed in all open windows, but please note that the position of the measurement figure will be different in the individual windows due to the image orientation uncertainty.
Horizontal distance If the measurement includes only one line segment (horizontal distance by two points), both distance and now a compass direction are indicated for the line segment in the overview map (If you are working in 3D mode, distance is not indicated as a label on the overview map, but in a field at the bottom of the map window. Right-click to complete measurement).

Vertical Altitude First, activate a reference surface that defines how far away from the camera the altitude measurement is. If you do not use the reference surface, it is assumed that the measurement is done close to the camera, and therefore the specified height will be too large (right-click to complete measurement) .

Point to

Horizontal area Draws a closed polygon and the area is indicated in m² (right-click to complete measurement)

Delete all measurements

Save measurements: All active measurements are stored in a text file with the following syntax: [Geometry (x1 y1, x2 y2, x3 y3,….); length; area; height]

Green button to complete measurement used on mobile devices(on the desktop app it is an additional way to complete measurement). Red button to cancel measurements used on mobile devices(on the desktop app it is an additional way to complete measurement).

Before you print, you can insert a comment and your own logo. You can also adjust the image so that you do not get the thumbnail window in the print (check the box in 'Fullscreen only') or omit the indication of any measurements taken (check the box 'Hide last measurement').

Switch between 2D (Open Layers) view and 3D view map (Cesium) views. The default setting is the 2D view because the 3D view reduces performance for some users, but the 3D view selection option can be enabled by agreement with Hexagon.

Minimize map to an icon.

Switch to Full-Screen \ Enable Sync (see below).

Synchronizes the view when multiple windows are open. When Sync is enabled, the viewer automatically opens the street image closest to the center of the overview map. If multiple street photo layers are open, all open street photo layers are synchronized, and if you center a street photo at a point (right-click at the point), all open street photo layers are centered (center syncing only works at points near terrain).

You can synchronize the display of the open map and picture windows.

If you pan in the overview map , syncing means that:  

  • The nearest street photo to the overview map center point is opened and centered at this point

If you are panning in oblique photo , synchronization means that:

  • The overview map is centered at the center point of the oblique photo
  • The nearest street photo to the center point of the oblique photo is opened and centered at this point

If you pan in a street photo , nothing happens. If you switch to a new street photo , syncing means that:

  • The overview map is centered in the street photo camera position
  • The nearest oblique photo to the street photo camera position is opened and centered in the street photo camera position

  • viewers/cpv_en.txt
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • by cmvadmin