
Site Inspection Viewer (SI)

  1. To access MultiViewer, enter in your web browser (we recommend using Google Chrome for optimized performance)
  2. Choose your preferred language
  3. Enter your given user name and password and click “Log in”

You can also enter a username/password in the URL:

1. Click on User Menu Icon, then click on Projects.
Choose the project you want to work with by directly clicking on the project name, or type in keywords in the Projects Filter to search for a project

You can also insert the project name directly into the URL:

Once a project is activated, you can manage the visibility and accessibility of all your project data layers. Layer Settings are found on the upper-right side of the MultiViewer window.

SI project can have several different layer groups. Layer groups depend on project needs. However, the main group is Cover Map. There also can be included Thematic Layer, Vector data, Panoramic Images.

Cover Map: This group includes various layers used as a background and the basis of data visualization for your project work, which is typically orthophotos and OpenStreetMap

Thematic Layer: It includes different raster layers. E.g. a vector layer containing delimitation of the project area, etc.

Panoramic images: This group includes all panoramic image layers that contain detailed images for inspection

Vector data: This group includes all WFS vector layers (editable). It is used for observations.

Layers are, by essence, datasets that can be managed individually. The layer set up is used to better organize projects. Each layer’s visibility and accessibility can be controlled separately by the checkboxes in front.

Cover Map

Left checkbox: turn on/off as main map (shown on the left if the split mode is activated) Right checkbox: turn on/off as secondary map (shown on the right if split mode is activated) There can only be one main map and one secondary map activated at the same time, and this will activate the split-screen mode. When in split-screen mode, an orange slider will appear on the screen so you can scroll between the two cover maps.

One cover map activated
Two cover maps activated (split screen mode)

Thematic & Vector Data Layers

These types of a layer can be turned on/off by ticking/unticking the checkboxes left to their layer names

Panoramic Images

Left checkbox: turn on/off the visualization of perspective centers on the cover map
Right checkbox: turn on/off a layer for spatial search

Search: activate spatial search function by entering an address. The spatial search function is further explained in the structural inspection section

User Menu: activate or change projects, manage project data, and read more about MultiViewer

Toolbox Menu: access tools for inspection and workspace settings

Layer Settings: manage visibility and accessibility of your project data layers. A detailed explanation can be found in the layer management section

Notification Center: see all project activity history for your current MultiViewer session

Navigation panel: navigation in the cover map through on-screen buttons. A detailed explanation can be found in the next section, cover map navigation

Vector layer property window: manage and modify your inspection sweep plan and registrations, more details can be found in the structural inspection section

Geographical coordinates: the geographical coordinates of your cursor

Image View Direction: Showing the direction to which you are looking.

Once you enter a project, it is possible to navigate your view using both on-screen buttons and your mouse.

Reset to project origin: left click to reset project view (the view when you first activate your project)

The red color arrow shows the direction of the north. Double click on the icon will reset the view direction and tilt to its origin*
* Works only in 3D mode

Zoom in: left click on + sign
Zoom out: left click on - sigh

Mouse Shortcut
Zoom In/Out: 1. Scroll Mouse wheel
2. Hold and drag (right mouse click) up and down
Tilt and rotate: Ctrl + hold (left mouse click) and drag
Move view: Left hold and drag

Center overview map at current position
Especially useful when working on mobile devices. Remember that location must be turned on on the device.

Upload own photos/videos (geodropbox)

Requires separate agreement with Hexagon.

There are functions for measuring horizontal distance, vertical height and horizontal area. Measurement in street images is associated with considerable uncertainty.
Therefore, the measurement function is only activated if agreed between Hexagon and the individual customer, and the function is only active within 20 m from the camera position..

If street photo access is available, you will get a warning in the bottom left corner that the measurement is uncertain. If street photo measurement is not available, you will be notified that metering is not allowed in street photos and the feature will not work.

The measurement is displayed in all open windows, but please note that the position of the measurement figure will be different in the individual windows due to the image orientation uncertainty.
Horizontal distance If the measurement includes only one line segment (horizontal distance by two points), both distance and now a compass direction are indicated for the line segment in the overview map (If you are working in 3D mode, distance is not indicated as a label on the overview map, but in a field at the bottom of the map window. Right-click to complete measurement).

Vertical Altitude First, activate a reference surface that defines how far away from the camera the altitude measurement is. If you do not use the reference surface, it is assumed that the measurement is done close to the camera, and therefore the specified height will be too large (right-click to complete measurement) .

Point to

Horizontal area Draws a closed polygon and the area is indicated in m² (right-click to complete measurement)

Delete all measurements

Save measurements: All active measurements are stored in a text file with the following syntax: [Geometry (x1 y1, x2 y2, x3 y3,….); length; area; height]

Green button to complete measurement used on mobile devices(on the desktop app it is an additional way to complete measurement). Red button to cancel measurements used on mobile devices(on the desktop app it is an additional way to complete measurement).

Before you print, you can insert a comment and your own logo. You can also adjust the image so that you do not get the thumbnail window in the print (check the box in 'Fullscreen only') or omit the indication of any measurements taken (check the box 'Hide last measurement').

Switch between 2D (Open Layers) view and 3D view map (Cesium) views. The default setting is the 2D view because the 3D view reduces performance for some users, but the 3D view selection option can be enabled by agreement with Hexagon. \ Switch to Full-Screen \ Enable Sync (see below).

Synchronizes the view when multiple windows are open. When Sync is enabled, the viewer automatically opens the street image closest to the center of the overview map. If multiple street photo layers are open, all open street photo layers are synchronized, and if you center a street photo at a point (right-click at the point), all open street photo layers are centered (center syncing only works at points near terrain).

You can synchronize the display of the open map and picture windows.

If you pan in the overview map , syncing means that:  

  • The nearest street photo to the overview map center point is opened and centered at this point

If you are panning in oblique photo , synchronization means that:

  • The overview map is centered at the center point of the oblique photo
  • The nearest street photo to the center point of the oblique photo is opened and centered at this point

If you pan in a street photo , nothing happens. If you switch to a new street photo , syncing means that:

  • The overview map is centered in the street photo camera position
  • The nearest oblique photo to the street photo camera position is opened and centered in the street photo camera position

To start Site inspection you need to activate two layers from Covermap layers group as shown below in the screenshot. By activating two covermaps you will turn on split-screen mode. On both screen lower-corners, you can see which layer is shown. Bu mowing slider to the sides (alternatively can be dragged covermap instead of the slider) you can inspect and see how changed your area of interest in a given time.
As mentioned above for more advanced inspection can be used Vector or Thematic data layers (shapefiles), and images as PV or UAV.

  • viewers/csi.txt
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • by cmvadmin